Wednesday, April 27, 2022

No Bark Dog Collar

 The below was written to us from a current client. It is just for information as we neither endorse or disagree completely with the dog owner’s sentiments. If you have a dog that you feel barks to much, this letter will provide you the thoughts of another owner that feels that same about their puppy as you may.

In some ways, I really love my puppy, but in some ways I can’t really stand for. I sort of view my puppy the way I used to see my stuffed animals when I was a kid. She is soft, comforting, and sleeps in my bed with me. Although she is a little bit messier than my toy animals – she licks my face, and is still not completely housebroken; nonetheless, she provides the same feeling of comfort that I used to have with stuffed animals. If she didn’t always make so much noise, she would be the perfect pet. I bought a no bark dog collar for her, but unfortunately it seems to do no good. She is a stubborn animal.

It is one of those humane anti bark collars. It is actually a citronella dog collar. Supposedly, dogs find the smell of citronella confusing and unpleasant enough that it will make them stop barking. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work for Sadie. When she barks and the no bark dog collar squirts her in the face, she looks confused for a moment. It only lasts a moment, however, and then she starts barking louder than before. Every time the no bark dog collar squirts her, it only gets her more excited. After awhile, we have to actually take off the dog collar. By then, she has been doused in citronella, and the whole house smells of it.

It is getting to be such a problem that we have been researching other kinds of no bark dog collars. None of us really wants to hurt her – and many of them do hurt dogs – so we have stayed away from the less humane kinds up until now. Nonetheless, the barking has gotten out of hand. I have been thinking about and electronic no bark dog collar. Although they give the dogs a shock, they seem more humane to me than the ones that emit a high-pitched beep. These can really hurt a dog’s ear, which is a very cruel thing to do. Personally, I would rather get an electric shock than have a loud bell go off in my ear every time I make a noise. I am sure that my dog feels the same way. Nevertheless, whatever no bark dog collar we get the dog, one thing is for sure: it better work. The neighbors are about at their wits end, and I am getting pretty close myself.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Pictures of Baby Pet Animals

Everyone loves pictures of baby animals. In many veterinary clinics and animal hospitals you will find cork boards full of client provided dog and cat pictures. If you don’t like baby animals you probably have no soul. They evoke the same kind of reaction in people that pictures of baby humans do, except to a much greater degree, and the gap between human and animal cuteness increases drastically as humans get older. For some reason, an animal can perform the most mundane action and it becomes cute. Imagine that you were looking at a picture of a group of people sleeping. You’d raise an eyebrow and wonder why someone thought this would make good photo subject material. But look at pictures of baby animals sleeping and suddenly it becomes the most adorable thing ever.

Because of this, people post up archives of baby animal photos or they even dedicate whole blogs like Cute Overload to posting and fawning over pictures of baby animals and miscellaneous animal cuteness: puppies, kittens, chicks, hamsters, etc. They even feature baby animals that don’t normally come to mind as being cute, such as baby snakes, snails and turtles that are basically smaller versions of themselves as adult. Actually, when you think about it almost anything becomes cuter when it’s miniature.

What exactly is it about pictures of baby animals, and animals in general, that so appeal to the masses? We can read about accidents and murders in the newspaper and barely bat an eye, but throw a dog into traffic and it becomes a national tragedy that’s covered in the media for days, drawing sympathy as they flash and print the picture of poor Leo before his cruel and untimely end. Humans don’t get this kind of sympathy or attention unless they’re celebrities. It’s almost as if being an animal already grants you celebrity or some sort of elevated status.

But ironically, humans have also subjected animals to unusual cruelty and punishment. Animals have been hunted to feed us, line our coats, scent our perfumes and many other purposes. They’ve been used extensively as test subjects for countless experiments. Animal abuse is a common enough phenomenon that there’s a police force dedicated to apprehending animal abusers. Why do we mistreat the very creatures that we practically worship at times, and actually did in the olden days?

To be fair, animals aren’t venerated as a whole. You usually won’t see ants and nematodes getting the same amount of love that dogs and cats do. Neither does everyone venerate animals, but it’s difficult not to find baby animal pictures endearing. One must remember, however, that they are an idealistic representation of animal life that is inconsistent with many of our real life interactions with them.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Meet Our New Veterinarian

We are pleased to announce our new veterinarian for Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital. Please read all about him at:

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Vet Clinic Advice on Dog Car Seat Covers

Now, why do you need a dog car seat cover? Ask your Veterinarian. Read on and be in the know!

At first glance, it's hard to imagine why a dog would need a car seat cover. Truth be told, the dog car seat cover plays a vital role in the healthy appearance of your car and benefits your pooch in many of the same ways your own car seat covers do you. If your dog is typical of most canines, he's much more rowdy than most humans. Just getting in the car is joy-provoking. On comes the rowdy. Unlike people, Rover or Missy has big, long claws, used when climbing in your car. Dogs also scratch a lot, sometimes just for fun. Dogs drool. They lick things. Your veterinarian can give you good breeds. If your dog gets that last bite of your burger or fries, remember, he doesn't use napkins. If he's an older guy, with impaired eyesight, he might just sit on that last fry. He's also got lots of fur, which, naturally ends up on the car seat. Notwithstanding this dog definition of 'wear-and-tear', there are plenty of other reasons to get a dog car seat cover.

There's the comfort issue. Just as you don't want to scorch the back of your legs sitting down on a hot car seat, neither does your dog. White might be a good color, as white reflects light, and so, heat. You might consider a double-sided dog car seat cover, with one side white for summer, and the reverse side a dark, cozy-in-the-winter color. (Spraying your dog car seat cover with a good water repellent helps when it comes to cleaning.) Dogs rely heavily on scent per our shuler vet clinic. With his own personal car seat cover, he'll probably start fetching it when it looks like there's going to be an outing. He won't leave home without it.

As for material, the easily cleaned dog car seat cover should be made of a material that dog hair has trouble sticking to, such as heavy duty canvas. It won't be too hot for him to lie down on in warm weather, and a stiff brush available from your animal hospital should remove dog hair, squished fries and whatever else found its way on to your dog car seat cover during his visit. Then, you just throw it in the wash. So much easier than spending hours plucking dog hair out of the seats of your car just so that you can take your mother out for dinner.

So you can see that the concept of a car seat cover for your dog is not bizarre, but eminently practical. Not only does your dog ride in comfort and have the movement recommended by veterinarians, but you can basically shake off the mess after each use. The real payoff in your dog's car seat cover comes when you decide to sell your car. You'll be able to sell it for a much better price! Now, you're a smart dog owner! And Rover keeps his dog car seat cover to port over to your next vehicle.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Aggressive Dog Behavior

Aggressive dog behavior isn't just about feeling a bit worried about how your dog isn't friendly and affectionate. There are 6 million reported dog bite instances every year in America. In many cases, when aggressive dog behavior leads to some kind of injury or attack on another person, there are very real liability issues that come into play. You may end up losing both your dog and your home insurance. There are also child endangerment laws that you fall afoul of if there are children in the same house as an aggressive animal that you’re keeping.

The good news is that aggressive dog behavior is quite curable in many cases. And that's especially true if your dog is under one year old – a puppy. While older dogs are not that easily changed, there are techniques in existence that allow for aggressive behavior modification.

A dog can be aggressive for a variety of reasons. The dog could be in pain; it could be ill; it could have a nervous disposition; sometimes it could just have a territorial or dominating character. The first thing one needs to do is to stop making excuses for one’s dog. When people say things like “Oh, he doesn't really mean it when he bites – he never breaks the skin” or “He can be extremely sweet except that sometimes he gets snappish – who doesn't? ”. The sooner you recognize the problem and get it treated, the better.

Usually, you need one-on-one training by a proper dog trainer with the right qualifications. You need to take the dog in and leave him with the trainer for a period of time. That’s the only way the trainer is going to have enough time with the animal. In some cases, the trainer will, after a bit of time spent with the dog, declare that the dog's behavior is unmodifiable. In such a case, you have to make sure that the dog is never, ever around children or other people. The consequences for your legal liabilities would be too high.

Male dogs like Rottweilers, Dalmatians and German Shepherds, when left whole and unneutered, are the ones that account for almost all the bites reported in America. When their aggression gets out of hand, a behavioral therapist should be your next port of call. Sometimes, the treatment they recommend can be as simple as more exercise and more socializing with both humans and fellow animals. At other times, the behavioral therapist could offer the family hints on how to treat a dog of the breed they are asking about – learning to leave the dog alone at certain times may be important.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How To Make Dog Training An Easy Process

When you decide it's time to train your dog, it's very common to be a bit lost. Good dog-training skills come naturally to very few people. In order to train your pet properly, preparing yourself with some good advice is an excellent idea. The information you need is contained in this article.
Your dog should always give you its attention when asked. With frequent practice, your dog will begin to focus on you and the signals you are giving him instead of other distractions.

It is important you use a crate to properly train your dog. Crate training is most effective when you allow your dog out using a consistent schedule. Once your dog has acclimated to the crate, he will be far less accident-prone indoors.

Try training your dog to grab a toy and keep it in his mouth. Whenever he puts the toy in his mouth, give a treat and his clicker reward. Once he learns the association, hold off on the clicker until he has the toy in his mouth. Once he has performed, do your click and then give him a reward. Now, reserve the reward for only those times he completely holds the toy inside his mouth.

Make sure the diet you are feeding your dog is healthy and nutritious. Eating a poor diet will negatively affect your dog in many ways. This can influence their behavior and harm their health. Providing a dog with fresh water and a high protein diet can have an astounding affect on their health and attitude.

You can rest assured that when you train your puppy, they may have an accident in the house. Clean accidents right away to speed up training. If you don't clean accidents up quickly, your pet may smell the mess and eliminate in the same spot again. Many products are sold that will neutralize these odors, so ask about them at your local pet store.

Whenever you have visitors, it is okay to inform them of the best way to interact with your pet. These kind of things can cause your dog to jump on people or adopt a dominant attitude.

Wearing a puppy out by overloading it with information and training is counterproductive. Your puppy has a very short attention span, so start out with short sessions, and try to keep things enjoyable for both you and your pup. If you push too hard, your puppy will remember it as a negative experience, and the next time you work to train him, it will be far more difficult.

Remember that more difficult behaviors should be approached in steps. For example, you can get your dog to bring in your newspaper. First, your dog must be able to pick up an object and hold it in his mouth. After he has learned this, train him how to recognize the newspaper by name. You need to teach him then how to pick the object up. Finally, show him that you want the object brought to you. If you make it easy to understand, your dog will better grasp it.

Do not quit when you are training your dog. Your dog requires consistent reinforcement of training, or he may quickly forget what he has learned. Your dog requires food, shelter, companionship, and instruction from you every day, throughout your relationship.

Anxiety is frequently the cause of destructive chewing behavior. We get frequent comments at our Mt Pleasant vet clinic about fear of thunder. Leave your dog safely crated with a tough nylon or hard rubber toy, and he will have something to work on until you come home.

Gradual increments are easiest on your dog when going through crate training. If they are uncomfortable with the door closed then try to feed them snacks to reassure them that they are okay. Start off small, like 10 seconds at a time, and slowly move up the times. If your puppy gets upset, then you may need to slow down and have more patience with them.

As you are working to house train your pet, select a single term or phrase that you will use. By using a dedicated expression to handle training commands, you can make it easier for your pet to focus and make connections. Although it sounds silly to repeat something like "poopie time!" over and over, the consistency will help your dog make the right link between being taken outside and relieving himself.

Communication is key when training your dog. Make sure you are clear and consistent when you are working with your dog. That includes rewards and punishments as well as verbal and body signals. Pay attention to any cues that your dog gives you, as well. The animal will usually let you know what he or she is feeling.

During inappropriate chewing training, set your dog up for success. Furthermore, a dog that chews inappropriately needs to be kept away from danger. Items like hairbrushes can cause a dog to choke or could block their airway.

If you in the crate training phase of your training program, you can use a few techniques to speed it up. If they don't want to go in the crate, try luring them in with a treat or chew bone. They will see the toy inside the crate and will want in the crate to get it. When they go inside to get the bone, give them lots of positive reinforcement.

If you want to train your dog the right way, consider enrolling in an obedience class. The trained instructors can help your pup with any issues he may have, including unnecessary barking, chewing, house training and normal obedience issues.

It is important that you teach your dog proper behaviors from day one. It is far simpler to teach a dog to do something the right way than to break bad habits. For example, if you are adamant about your dog not being a beggar, then never make any exceptions to handing him food from your table.

Now that you have found the information you need, you can use it to start training your dog. Knowing proper information can help individuals in training their dog effectively.